Are You In For An Energy Boost? – NineStarKi Energy May Full Moon


Are You In For An Energy Boost? – NineStarKi Energy May Full Moon

NineStarKi energy Full Moon – May 29, 2018 – 16:19pm UTC in Sagittarius

Today’s Nine Star Ki energy is: 9 – 2 – 3

Energy Boost

Last full moon I wrote: ‘But this is it. And it’s ours to deal with. You can use the energy of the Nine Star Ki profile of this April full moon as a giant refresh button that replaces your repeat button. That is how new growth and opportunities are invited to come into being; learn and move on.’ You can read it again here. Well, here’s the energy boost you need to follow up on that.


May’s full moon continues where April’s moon left off; inducing opportunities for growth, self-development and personal empowerment, taking it to the  next level. Specially since the energy of the Nine Star Ki profile of this full moon, starts in the third position of the profile, where the element 3-Wood has it’s seat. It’s the element that is able to express tremendous courage in embracing growth and self-development. Without any hesitation it is able to spontaneously surrender itself to the birth of something new, something previously unknown. Actually without any hesitation it surrenders itself to it’s own birth.

Inner World

So this previously unknown something is not to be found in the outer world. It’s connected to the personal and individual inner world. The inner world is represented by the second position of the profile, which in this profile, is occupied by 2-Earth; the relationship element. Which means that this unknown something is found in the ways you relate to yourself and in the ways you take care of yourself. In how your relationship with yourself and with your purpose in life, looks like. This aspects asks you to befriend yourself and devote time and energy in relating in better ways to yourself. It asks you to surrender to the birth of a better relationship with yourself so you’re better equipped to stand up for yourself.


The element 9-Fire adds a touch of enlightening transformation to all this. As it will continue doing so for the rest of the year. Specially this summer when this element creates a joint venture with the sun’s heat. This transformation sends you off on paths way beyond your comfortzone. It burns down the limiting boundaries of personal believes and mindsets. It burns down walls of comfort so parts of your system you didn’t know existed, are placed in the spotlight to be recognized and acknowledged. And it can feel like discovering a whole new way of living: fire energy invites you to integrate talents and embrace skills you maybe thought were only reserved for others. Also; it invites you to integrate and embrace all the ugly and twisted parts that are suppressed. Those too find their ways into the spotlight.


9-Fire is egotistic, stubborn, ignorant, chaotic, reckless, nerve-racking and distorting. Transformation often is accompanied by loss, pain, discomfort, chaos and grieve. It can make it hard to recognize the perspective transformation has on offer for you. Specially since 9-Fire can act from a place of stubborn pride that impedes you kneeling for the greater good. So when all that is known and that till now has functioned as a safe and stable ground to stand on, is re-arranged, re-configured, re-formulated, there’s a lot that can scare the hell out of you. But from destruction spiritual liberation can sprout because 9-Fire also honestly and clearly seeks for it’s better self. It enables you to stand for yourself and speak your truth. It enables you to speak up for yourself. So handle your fire with caution and care! Much good can come from it if you do so.


The energy of the Nine Star Ki profile of the full moon of May is provocative, no doubt. It can incite tempers. It can be violent and aggressive. And it surely challenges you on your ability to show the courage to stand up for yourself and belief in yourself. Make sure however that you do so out of love, not from a place of (self)doubt or fear. Doubt and fear are fuel to the violent and aggressive energy hidden in the background of this profile. Love however ignites the energy-boost this profile also has on offer for you. Fire energy ignites the love for your self, your soul, your true purpose in life. Choose wisely!

Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, I really appreciate it and you! Thank you!

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