WISDOM – NineStarKi profile December Full Moon


December 3, 2017 – 16:48 in Gemini; on old, inner wisdom and the playful capacity to turn this into a source of knowledge for a new future.

Today’s Nine Star Ki profile is: 1 – 8 – 7.


Wisdom-Nina-Elshof-Feng-ShuiThe energy of this full moon is all about inner wisdom and deeper knowing. The kind of wisdom we often tend to doubt because it is communicated to us in ways not always recognized. Also the deeply felt wisdom, our inner knowledge often is obscured by thought patterns that are based on limiting experiences or believes. Thought patterns that create doubt and confusion and cloud the information send to us.


Trying to create a deeper understanding of ourselves by taking time to reflect and review what life had on offer for us so far, can help to create an understanding about who we have become as a result. It helps creating wisdom about who you are. Look back at the different moments in your life that were crucial in this process of becoming. Observe yourself, your life from a wisdom point of view. Don’t let fear or phobia cloud your ability to perceive the truth.


This full moon is about digesting the experiences we went through and to learn from them. It’s about healing the past by integrating these experiences. Do so in order to learn what they had to offer and use this information to create a different source for your future activities. Your past contains a Golden Nugget waiting to be extracted. It’s a Golden Nugget that represents your inner potential; the wisdom that lies within you, your latent talents. So please don’t stay stuck in the past, but use it as a springboard from which you can reach into new territory.


It’s this inner potential that points to what you should be seriously getting yourself dedicated about. It’s hinting towards the reason why you live your life the way you do. The reason why you are alive. This full moon is about getting clear about your career goals. And no, those are not the career goals that bring in the monthly money. It’s the goals of your life’s career. The goals that invite you to start being creative and thinking out of your box. Get clear on your intentions and open up to possibilities to live your life as you were supposed to do!

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