Truth – NineStarKi Energy January Full Moon



Although in the Western calendar, we already started fresh and anew with another year, the Chinese calendar tells something different. For the Chinese, the influence of the 9-fire energy didn’t end on New Year, but will so by the 5th of February. So the 9-fire energy is given some more time to engulf us. That gives us a little more time to make the most of this big transformer! Lets use it wisely. At least the energy of the Nine Star Ki profile of the January Full Moon assists in a sublime way, bringing us necessary truth!

Nine Star Ki

The Nine Star Ki profile of the energy of this full moon on January 21st (CET that is, in ET and PT zones the full moon peaks at January 20th), is 9-3-2. That is 9-fire, 3-wood and 2-earth. The cycle of this profile starts in the middle position where 3-wood resides this month. From there the energy is guided to 9-fire in the first position and subsequently contacts 2-earth in the third position. It’s a cycle that is instigated by the deeply felt 3-wood urge for renewal, rebirth and releasing a deep and inner truth. 


3-Wood is a seeker for truth. It never ever lets itself be compromised by shady dealings or hushing up the elephant in the room. Instead it can be a rather annoying pain in the ass for speaking out and doing so loudly. This is because 3-Wood is also about communication, words and expression. This full moon, 3-wood generates a breakthrough -or rebirth as you wish- of truth. Inner and spiritual truth that is. And it wants to shout it from the rooftops.


This is the last full moon in which 9-fire energy is in the first position of the Nine Star Ki profile. From February onwards, the energy of the year is going to be dominated by 8-earth energy. A completely different piece of cake! Since this full moon accommodates the 9-fire energy in this specific way for the last time, you might as well want to make good use of it! 

All the excitement 3-wood experiences trying to find ways to express this deeply felt and profound inner spiritual truth, is passed on to 9-fire in the first position to get it out in the open. To have it exposed to the public a.k.a. yourself. In order to have it renew and transform who you have become. It could lead to quite a personal revolution. And isn’t it just great that a year, that for many had such a devastating effect, ends with a personal bonus in helping to allow life-changing breakthroughs come into play!

Spiritual Breakthrough

Once this changing truth is out in the open, you cannot ever go back to a previous state of being. This, in itself, is profoundly clearing what kept you stagnant or what was buried under maybe centuries of suppression. Once liberated, this truth fuels spiritual and personal growth for weeks to come. This because the burning 9-fire in this profile, is able to pass these changing gifts onward to 2-earth in the third position. The third position is the position that is related to how we act and operate. 2-Earth is first of all about how we relate to ourselves.

So the gift of 9-fire in this profile, offers 2-earth in the third position the possibility to relate in a different way to ourselves. To act differently, to undertake different kinds of action towards nurturing and teaching ourselves. If that is done from the initial truth-seeking energy of 3-wood, the possibility exists for a spiritual breakthrough of unknown proportions. This energy profile teaches us to reveal the truth of who we are at the deepest core level of our being. 


All this happens under the influence of the guardian of heart energy: 9-fire itself. 9-Fire represents the heart as the seat of the soul. The keywords for that are ‘compassion’, ‘empathy’, ‘love’ and ‘generosity’ to describe what it is capable of. Being able to speak your truth (3-wood), with compassion for others and from love for yourself (9-fire) will have you relate to yourself in ways that nurture, support and educate yourself (2-earth) so embodied wisdom and knowledge can become your companions all the way. All your way. 


2019 Is going to be an 8-earth year. A year in which for many the world will be turned upside-down. More on that in my Nine Star Ki predictions for 2019, soon to come! Here’s a little sneak preview to read. But what you do now, this full moon to un-earth what needs to be brought to the surface, can be of tremendous help in the months, the year, to come. Waste no longer your time, nor your truth!


Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work please quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, I really appreciate it and you! Thank you! 

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