Change, Clean and Clear – NineStarKi profile September Full Moon


September 6, 2017 – 08:03 UTC in Pisces; on turning inwards, cleaning and clearing and making change happen.

Today’s Nine Star Ki profile is 1 – 2 – 4.

Change, Clean and Clear

It is time to clear out some of the mess that got stirred up during the last full moon. Whether that be about family-related issues, your life career, or about how easy you invite the new into your life. This month is asking to follow-up on what started last month. Get it all into place. Re-organize your life in such way that renewal and rebirth are inevitable. And for that, you have yet again to turn inwards and dive into the personal mysteries of your life. And this time it is personal indeed; where last month much was related to family, now it’s about your relationship with yourself, your hidden depths and treasures.

Lot’s of it already has been touched and because of that will surface. Be that as important revelations and profound realizations, or as some of your deepest s**t that’s hitting the fan. Either way, it’s time to clean up and clear out what’s old and obscuring your view of the wholeness that can be yours.


So, adjust your house so that it supports this new movement of energy. Release what is no longer in service of what needs to come into place. Create space to sit and start a new study. Yes, maybe that old cupboard needs to go. So let it go. Create room for new ways to move your body. Find a new exercise routine. Or maybe it’s time that extra chair, that nobody wants to sit in, makes room for you to do some yoga. Get rid of what represents your old habits and thought patterns. Allow new harmony to settle in your life. So change your personal environment so that it reflects your new way of living, your new standard, and intention for life.


Change it now. Shed your old leaves like the trees. Get rid of what itches and accept and cherish the bareness; it’s just a brief moment in time that may ignite your uncertainty and angst. But trust the process! Follow the flow! So you won’t fall back into old habits that drag you under and eat your soul.

Take it one step at the time. Get up a little bit earlier so there’s more time to have a proper breakfast. Fill an empty 1-litre bottle with water and make sure you’ve finished it by the end of the day. Every time you have a cup of tea or coffee, stop what you’re doing and enjoy the moment. Quit looking at screens at least one hour before you go to bed. Remove one item a day from your house that you don’t use or need anymore. Clean one shelf a day in your kitchen, wardrobe, storage room or garage. Because something really’s got to give in order for you to be the change this world is so desperately in need of.

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